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Pentru companii & freelanceri

Incepe gratuit un proiect

De la identitate la strategie ― ne asiguram ca tot parcursul este flawless

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Ce facem

Oferim o gama larga de servicii creative 3 pentru companii & freelanceri care au aceeași viziune ― de a creea experiente digitale next-level.


  • Logotype
  • Font Kit
  • Paleta culori
  • Packaging
  • Ghid de Brand


  • Logotype
  • Font Kit
  • Paleta culori
  • Packaging
  • Ghid de Brand



WEEK 0 Incepe un proiect gratuit

In this phase, we seek to understand the overall context, the influencing forces and the unique nature of the brand.

Week 1 Brief-ing

Make these cards stacking on mobile. Remove the horizontal scrolling on mobile as it is not intuitive

Week 2 Design

Next, we experiment with a series of approaches that could be used to solve the outlined challenge.

Week 3 Development

Finally, we execute our approach and measure it's performance.

Week 4 Lansare

Bridging the gap between now and next with strategic inovation thru design.

Cu cine lucram

Construind ceva de la zero este doar începutul. Adevăratul joc începe atunci când ești pregatit să scalezi și să crești dincolo de zona ta de confort.

Afla ce industrii beneficiaza de expertiza noastra, unde producem cel mai mare impact.
